The Art of Touch

A Transformative Online Course With Shannon O'Hara & Katarina Wallentin.


Imagine if you could change someone’s whole world with one hug?

Or have yours changed by the soft touch of someone’s hand? Imagine if you could have total ease with every kind of touch that crosses your path, the good, the bad and the ugly? And what if the intimate and sexual touch could be one of the greatest guides to consciousness there is, if explored with no judgement?


The (Transformative) Art of Touch

Somewhere, somehow, the art of touch has been lost. This training is the beginning of rediscovering and reclaiming the potent wonders that touch can be for you in the creation of your life and world!

A 5 part series with 20 video sessions. The Beginning /  Exploring Hugs / Exploring Touch / Exploring Sex / Your Challenge


Receiving Touch

A one minute taster from the course. Enjoy!


"The way you touch someone can invite their whole body to relax and start receiving in a whole different way. Sometimes for the very first time. "

Katarina Wallentin
From 'The Power of Gentle Touch' video

50% Complete

Two Step

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