When Energy Starts Talking
Sep 25, 2024
How do you begin to hear the energies of... living?
Know them, trust them? And even, play with them?
In this episode of the Wolf podcast, we embark on a journey of fantasy worlds, children's choices, and what plants to buy for your garden with our guide Dr. Anthony Mattis!
Yes! All of it! :-)
What if the subtle signals of energies are the most pragmatic guide there is?
And what if they whisper to us, always?
Take a moment - right now! - and listen?
Key Takeaways:
• When you choose to function from the space of energy, life gets easier.
• Everything in your life whispers to you energetically, if you're willing to hear it.
• When you're in the space of possibilities, you're willing to be in allowance of people's choices.
• The Opening of the Symphony classes
• The Symphony of Possibilities classes
• More from Dr. Anthony Mattis
• More from Katarina Wallentin
Dr Anthony Mattis is a chiropractor and facilitator of consciousness who found the Access Consciousness tools almost 10 years ago and has never looked back!
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