How are you being touched by the world, right now? :-)
Is now the time to find out how to turn it …up?
Join Katarina Wallentin for a 2-part series of gift zooms exploring the wondrous world of touch!
Translated into Arabic, Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish & German!
Part 1
What if Receiving Is The Greatest Gift of All?
16 December at 5 pm CET
(Your local time here.)
Part 2
What if Touch Is a
7 January at 5 pm CET
(Your local time here.)
About the Facilitator
Katarina Wallentin is an Access facilitator, creative producer, and author as well as an avid explorer of the magic that is possible when we step out of conclusion and into question - especially with our bodies!
She is based in Stockholm, Sweden, but spends most of her time on the road, facilitating Body Classes or working on the global events with Dain Heer and the Access Consciousness team.