Stardust Audios
We are all made of stardust: you, me, and everything and everyone around us. And everything WITHIN US!
And when that stardust comes alive, life begins to move with the ease, joy, and glory that is indeed possible. In this series of audios, we will explore and ignite and re-ignite it again and again! Welcome!
New! Undefining You
How many things do you have that define you? That make you you, in your eyes, and in other people’s eyes.
Let’s go on a journey, a practice into dissolving the definitions of you…
Now, choose you!
Welcome To Your Bigger Space
Have you noticed that sometimes, your world can feel so very, very small? What if you could get the sense of the bigger space you actually are in just 10 minutes?
Relax into you. And just … listen.
7 Min To Find The Space Of You
Are you having a hard time finding yourself sometimes? If you have 7 minutes, let’s go on a quick journey into finding the space of you. What if you, truly being you, is a question in motion?
Hello, new space! :-)
Waking Up All Of You
What if you and your body could wake up together? Softly allowing the energetic vibration of a new day to wake up ALL OF YOU - even the stardust within!
Good morning ease, joy and glory!
Good Night World!
What if every time you fell asleep, you could let go of everything that no longer serves you? Let’s invite the stardust within to softly dance with dreams of possibility!
Good night world!