Have you ever considered that we live in a world made of energy?

 Everything is energy!

And whether we know it yet or not, we all have unique capacities when it comes to gifting and receiving energies.

What if you, your whole life, and the world are actually an energetic movement?

Is now the time to acknowledge that, and begin to engage with the world in a completely new way?

Welcome to Introducing the Symphony!

An experiential class facilitated by the Symphony Advanced Practitioners where you’ll get to explore the symphony of energies that make up the universe - and you.

Are you willing to know that you are an energetic wizard?

Find Introducing the Symphony classes with Katarina Wallentin here!

Discover the Symphony
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  • Introducing The Symphony - Live in Warsaw, Poland
    25 October 2024 | COMING SOON

What is the Symphony?

The Symphony of Possibilities is a unique way to utilize the energies of the universe to start creating your life, living, and reality by moving the very molecules of consciousness.

It is an energetic modality developed by Dr. Dain Heer with around 80 advanced practitioners worldwide.

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